Saturday 9 May 2015

Catching up...

OMG it's been such a long time since I wrote in here and no doubt you are all probably thinking...she's given up!

I haven't, i now have less than a month to swim

Perhaps I had better recap on my journey to here...I last wrote in here in August.

I was under a lot of stresses and strains and although I lost my mojo for writing this blog, events sort of took over, and I know that is no excuse!

But I have emerged a much stronger person.

I did do my 5k swim at Eton Dorney in September. I completed it in 2 hours 5 mins and 4 secs. The boost to my confidence was second to none.

About a week later, when I was at the pool...I was struggling a little bit, feeliing lethargic...but I told are a 5k swimmer, you can do this and the surge of pride and knowledge that I can do these things pushed me just that little bit further!

So that was my longest swim completed. It is still my longest swm and I have to swim 10k in four weeks. If I said I wasn't nervous that would be a lie. I am incredibly nervous!

Since that swim I formed a new friendship with someone very much like myself. It's amazing in life how when doors close, others open. Sometimes there is little bit of effort to opening the door as it hasn't been opened before and sometimes it opens like it is well oiled and used daily. My friendship with Carol was the latter.

We went away for a swim in Dorset...Durdle Door to be exact and slept in a Pod. Pod Number Three is one I shall never forget as that was where Bimbel was born. More about Bimbel on a post dedicated to it..! It deserves it..!

For now, this is just to let you know I am still here, and I will be updating regularly! Oh by the way...I am still the same height and weight!! Some things just don't seem to change lol