Wednesday 9 July 2014

7th July ~ Swimming in Fordingbridge Lake

I had made myself a promise the last time I was at Fordingbridge that I would attempt a 5k swim...just so that I would know that I could do it. Now I know I can, as I have done it in the pool...but I needed to be sure that I could do it in open water in a wetsuit :)

Today I received the lovely gift of a pink poolmate:

Another Gadget to learn how to work!!

Now although the name does imply that it is for use in the pool you can time your laps in open water too....!!

Fordingbridge is a 650m circuit so I worked out I needed to do 8 laps plus another 100m .......and now I am writing this and questioning my maths...and the maths of my Oxford graduate in mathematics, swim buddy :)....or perhaps I am tired or my brain is just not functioning...anyway I am off to ask Mr Google the size of the 

Well back now and it's definitely 5k would have been 7 laps plus another 450m. But Mark and I actually did 8 laps and another Oh dear, we are not very clever are we???

The uspide to the miscalculation is that we did it in our time would have been under 2 hours if we had worked it out there is always a bonus!!

Here is a panoramic view of the lake:

Each lap was completed in under 15 minutes, and there was a bit of rest time to add in too, but in all it was 2 hours with the rests happy with that and of course it means that in my head I now know I can do it....thank you Mark !!

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