Wednesday 9 July 2014

Swimming with the Sharks

Met up with Tom and exchanged chill floats....I am now the proud owner of my very own chill swim float :) It is a saga, but eventually it arrived safely into my hands and now I will never let it go !!

So tonight was a swim in quite rough waters with Jeannie, Oliver and one other whose name escapes me right's an age thing!! I am feeling very confident in the water now, and was able to use my new pink watch to time myself...35 minute swim, about 1k I would say, but not too sure... Deborah was at the shack and she had completed a 6km swim from the Isle of Wight to Hillhead Sailing Club the day before...she was on a high and brought some birthday cake which was very nice!!

After the swim I went straight to Zumba and danced for an hour...feeling tired must be bed time!

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