Friday 27 June 2014

Friday Coaching Session with Bayside Tri

Gosport Leisure Centre seemed a distant memory as I drove into the carpark!! I really must get my bike out and ride to the is only 1.5 miles away! A distant memory because I haven't been there since Sunday!! I don't know...what with lakes and the sea, the pool isn't quite as attractive...but I do know that I am best practising things in the pool and taking them outside to the lakes and the sea!!

Tonight, I did feel stronger and since moving into the intermediate lane, I do feel I am pushing myself a little harder. It started with 12 lengths warm up, front crawl, breaststroke, front crawl...then into touching hips and head, which I find relatively easy as I do naturally swim like that anyway. Not exactly touching my hips and head as I swim, but I am naturally quite tight to the body...then came the harder one swimming catch up with fists...always feel like I am drowning doing this...only when I try to breathe...I just seem to sink. I do know why though! It's because I am not kicking and letting my legs drop...oh well, something to work on!

Then came the kick drills...this I am hopeless at!! 4 lengths front, 4 lengths one side, 4 lengths the other...then came the drill which I feel I have improved on the most...the 3, 5, 7 breathing drill. Whereas back in February when I first joined the group I was breathing every other stroke..and couldn't even do bilateral breathing...I feel I have come a long way! Tonight the breathing sets went well...of course it could have been the four puffs of ventolin I had before I had before I got in the pool..!!

Then it was slow up, sprint back sets...and I seemed to be a lot faster. It could be because I haven't been swimming as much this week, so I am more rested or just that I have improved a lot. It's very difficult to work out which sometimes!!

Stats for tonight...doesn't include kick drills:

Linda has completed a 1575m swim at Gosport Leisure Centre with SWIMTAG

Swim Time: 39min 44sec | Ave Pace: 151.4sec/100m | Ave Stroke Rate: 23strokes/min | Calories: 423 kcal | Ave DPS: 1.66m/stroke

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