Tuesday 3 June 2014

Stokes Bay Swim

Today I have been reviewing last nights stats...it felt a really slow swim but I did swim 1250m and I did swim this in 34 mins. So calculator came out and if I multiply everything by 4 I get a 5000m swim. I have been really worrying about this 5k swim since 5 minutes after I entered it...wishing I hadn't and wishing I could feel confident about it, but I can't. Is it too far? So in order to alleviate some worries I realised that by muliplying it by 4 and getting the 5k I would do it in 2 hours 16minutes and 52 seconds!!! That is within the cut off time of 2hours 20mins! I would be mortified if I had to be pulled out of the water!! In fact I think I would refuse to go!! So I feel abit more confident about doing it...phew!

So tonights swim...well that wasn't very good...met up with some fellow Baysiders at Stokes Bay

I don't like swimming out to sea, preferring to swim adjacent to shore....I'm worried about things like cramp, asthma and basically drowning...it only takes a few seconds to get into difficulties and then who is going to swim out to you?? At least close to shore you have a chance to get on dry land! However it was decided that we were swimming out to a post and back again...ooh err! Oh well, safety in numbers!! However one of us got into difficulties and we had to come back in against a fast ebbing spring tide...exhausted myself getting back in...and vowed never to swim in the sea again!!

But of course I have already signed up to the British Heart Foundation Bournemouth Pier to Pier...so I have to get used to swimming in the sea. Sometimes I wonder why I set myself these challenges...as I dread each and every one of them. Even the ones I have done previously and survived!!

Todays swim was watched at the beach by millions or at least it felt that way....as there was a D Day flypast...some photos below :)

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