Monday 2 June 2014

Following Jan

Tonight I swam with my friend Jan. I met Jan in the pool back in February just after I joined Bayside Tri. She kindly allowed me to follow her up and down the pool very closely so I could see her toes...she is very much like myself where she isn't a fast swimmer, but more of a plodder like myself...but whereas I had always been conditioned to sprint doing front crawl, she had a nice easy pace that I could keep up with. Initially when following her I concentrated on my breathing as I couldn't do bi lateral breathing. Her steady pace became a godsend as it stopped me racing from one end of the pool to the next and consequently having to stop and catch my breath! :) I have continued to follow her up and down the pool every Monday ever since...and it has done wonders for my stroke as I am able to slow right down, not worry about my pace and just concentrate on the things that Coach Erika Taverner has been teaching me on a Friday...!

Tonights stats are:

Linda has completed a 1250m swim at Gosport Leisure Centre with SWIMTAG

Swim Time: 34min 13sec | Ave Pace: 164.2sec/100m | Ave Stroke Rate: 23strokes/min | Calories: 321 kcal | Ave DPS: 1.57m/stroke

As you can see a nice leisurely pace and swim 

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