Friday 20 June 2014

Hillhead Swim

Met up with Oliver again tonight at Hillhead. The water wasn't as calm as it has been the last couple of visits. This made it rather tough going, but even though I was being bobbed about I still managed to do mostly front crawl. The wetsuit didn't seem to be collecting the water so much today!! Different day...different things happen I suppose!! We started off swimming to the second post as we always do...the tide was just going out. I reached it first and turned around to wait for Oliver, but he was difficult to see as the sun was in my eyes. Eventually he arrived and we had a quick chat and then set off heading for the end of the beach huts. I have no idea of the distance but it looks a fair I don't even know how long it took us, but we were swimming against the was hard work!! I reached the end of the beach huts and waited for Oliver, then we swam back to the second post and then back to our shoes on the beach!! I didn't feel it went as well as the previous two swims but nevertheless it was a lot better than my first sea swims a couple of weeks ago, so feeling more confident than then, but less confident than earlier in the week. Shall keep it up all the time the weather is good. But to be honest, swimming in the sea is a whole different ball game to lakes, rivers and the pool and although it is exhilerating, it perhaps isn't as enjoyable as other places to swim..

I am supposed to be at Gosport Leisure Centre this evening with Bayside Tri...but I;m not feeling 100%, so have given it a miss tonight :( Already feel guilty!! Do you think I am addicted!??

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