Sunday 8 June 2014

OMG I swam 5k!!!!

I haven't done any swimming since Petersfield Lido on Thursday and today as I sat in my pyjamas I was mulling over whether or not to attempt a 5k swim at the pool. It was infinitely more appealing to carry on being a slob for the day....but at the same time the idea was festering and growing. I started working out what time I should arrive at the pool. There is only laned swimming from 4:30pm ish. But prior to that there is one lane and Sunday afternoon is usually quiet. So...if I was to attempt a 5k swim I would need at least 2hrs 30 mins. This would include a 5 minute break while they put the lanes in...hnnnnm really need to be at the pool for about 3pm...that gives me an hour and a half before the break and an hour afterwards...! Yep it's decided. I will give it a go!

At 3pm I entered the pool area with a bottle of lucozade!! This was to have in my "break" while lanes were going in. I started swimming the one lane was empty which was nice...I started slow and worked my way up and down the pool trying to count the lengths. I had to do 200. I have got lazy with counting lengths since having swimtag, but the downside to it is you can't see how many lengths you've done until you've got home and switched on your pc!! So I couldn't afford to make any mistakes.!! All was going well and at about 22 lengths a woman joined the lane and proceeded to do know the type...make up and hair never gets wet! I had to keep passing her as she wouldn't wait at the end of the lane even if I was right behind her. After about four lengths with her for company another couple joined the lane, one doing breaststroke and another doing front crawl. I wanted to stop and get out. So after a couple of frustrating lengths I stopped at the shallow end and had some lucozade and despaired over what to do...i was in the mindset for a 5k...right they weren't going to stop me...I was going to have to weave in and out of that's what I did! i carried on, and got to 100 lengths then started counting from 1 again. I was getting tired, I could feel my arms getting heavy, but I had to keep going. I was also losing count, every so often I would forget completely how many I had done, so I would spend the next length trying to work it out. I felt I was going backward instead of foreward. By the time my break came I thought I had done 140 lengths, I was pleased with that. I had to get out of the pool while the lanes went in and I did feel that it interfered with my rythmn. On return to the pool I had 60 lengths to do...I was too tired for the fast lane so chose intead to go into the medium lane. I eventually reached 200 lengths or so I thought, but i couldn't be sure as I had on more than one occasion lost count. I would have hated to have missed out on doing 5k by a couple of lengths, so i decided to do a couple more...then a couple more...eventually doing ten extra....I couldn't wait to get home and see my stats! On leaving the pool I handed in my swimtag and went to my car...wouldn't start, i had left the lights on!!! Had to phone the AA and wait...meanwhile it came through on my phone 5100m and within the cut off time!!! Joy of joys...I was elated!!

These are my stats! Look at those calories burned!!!

Linda has completed a 5100m swim at Gosport Leisure Centre with SWIMTAG

Swim Time: 2hrs 10min | Ave Pace: 153.9sec/100m | Ave Stroke Rate: 26strokes/min | Calories: 1,332 kcal | Ave DPS: 1.49m/stroke

200 lengths in here...thank goodness I added the extra 10 as i was 6 out!

Oh....I didn't do the Bayside Tri endurance session tonight!! :)

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