Saturday 23 August 2014

all aboard....

Well since deciding not to pursue my 10k at Eton Dorney, things have changed. Now have my swim buddy back, have a team for Blenheim Palace and have received my entrance info for Great London Swim...which is NEXT Saturday.!!!!

Things are looking this space!

Tuesday 12 August 2014

It's over....

Well today must be the worst of my life so far....
My swim buddy has pulled out of Blenheim Palace swim and Eton Dorney 5k...
I am gutted, so gutted that I can't even be bothered with swimming any more
My life is so full of let downs and this is just one more.
So signing off...not that I think anyone reads these posts anyway.

Sunday 27 July 2014

Double Dip Sunday

I woke this morning with a headache and I know I promised myself I would start training in earnest for my ultimate goal of 10k...but it's so easy to just roll over and forget about swimming. I think it's because things aren't going too well for me personally and it is spilling over into my swimming. I know I shouldn't let it, because my swimming will be with me for the rest of my life whereas my issues won't be. The saying "you are one swim away from a good mood" is so true...but sometimes, just sometimes, it doesn't work out like that.

Nevertheless, my dedication kicked in and I knew that if I didn't go for an early morning swim, I would regret it. SO I had to force myself to go. It wasn't easy...I went out of the front door three times before I had everything in my bag. Forgot my tablets, forgot my swim hat, forgot my shampoo...!!!

Eventually I got to the pool and sluggishly started to is so different to swimming in the sea and I have to say it isnt as enjoyable...but if I want the prize I have to do it. If I want something bad enough..I usually go to the ends of the earth to get it. A 10k medal is no different!

I managed to do a mile...1600m, but because I had a load of rests, I had to get out of the pool while they took the lanes out and then get back in again to do just four lengths...that'll teach me for hanging around the pool edges! LOL

my stats were:

Linda has completed a 1625m swim at Gosport Leisure Centre with SWIMTAG
Swim Time: 43min 8sec | Ave Pace: 159.3sec/100m | Ave Stroke Rate: 23strokes/min | Calories: 417 kcal | Ave DPS: 1.61m/stroke

I didn't actually do 65 lengths, so when I edited the final length of backstroke (where swim tag got that from I don't know!) the time came in at 42min 37secs.

You know, all I want is to get round London in under 40's just beginning to look further away...sometimes all this monitoring is demoralising!!

Tonight I went back to the pool and swam with Bayside Tri...we had the whole pool available, so it was nice to just have one other in the same lane and for that person to be about the same speed!! Luxury!

My stats tonight were:

Linda has completed a 1600m swim at Gosport Leisure Centre with SWIMTAG
Swim Time: 40min 52sec | Ave Pace: 153.3sec/100m | Ave Stroke Rate: 26strokes/min | Calories: 410 kcal | Ave DPS: 1.50m/stroke

Saturday 26 July 2014

Picnic and a dip at Stokes Bay

Late afternoon and a liesurely swim and picnic at Stokes Bay with my grandson Adam and dear friend Becky and not forgetting little Harvey!...lots of lovely food and chat but not a lot of swimming...just a quick 10 minutes to the buoy and back:

yes that triangle thing and back again...the head in the sea is Adam...!

Then a big liner powered through the channel :) I will find out it;s name and post it here!

Going to start training properly again tomorrow...promise!!!

Friday 25 July 2014

Just a simple swim with Oliver

Arrived at the Shack and had forgotten my float...Oliver saved the day and gallantly put my shoes into his float and enables my access and exit from the water to be much more elegant than leaving my beach shoes on the pebble beach...ouch!!

We did our usual swim to the 500m buoy, which I am sure kept moving to the right!! Actually we were drifitng to the left and it was extremely hard fighting against the tide. We didn't quite make the buoy as one of the jet ski was once again tearing up and down outside of the jet ski area. It's a shame but the risk is too hit from them and your numbers up!

Fighting to get to the last beach hut against the tide was hard work...but as we moved towards shore it became easier...then back to the shack and out...took us about 40 a good work out.

Came home and couldn't face the drills at I am ashamed to say that I didn't go

that is all....

Thursday 24 July 2014

Swollen Eye!!!

Woke up this morning and the swollen eye is still very swollen. The eye itself is fine and not sore it's the area around the eye!! Got to work and started to worry that I wouldn't be able to swim this evening, but Oliver happened to be passing and called in for a chat about swimming...that convinced me...I couldn't miss going in for a would make me feel incomplete for the day!

So the time to go arrived and my day has been terrible so what to do...? Go swimming? stay home??

I went and met Oliver, who always makes me feel better...we swam out towards the buoy at 500m, but we stopped short as a jet ski was up and down around the buoy...we headed for the sandbanks and then back to the shack...about a mile in all.

I feel guilty that I haven't been in the pool, but I suppose that will change tomorrow when I turn up for Bayside Tri drills :)

Wednesday 23 July 2014

Cooling off at Hill head

Oh my God, it is so's boiling and there is no let up!! So the sea calls all day..beach, beach, beach is all I can think about as I work in the relentless heat in the van. It's so uncomfortable at times..

So i arrived at the Shack and swam with Shona, Claire and Jeannie...we went out to the 500m buoy and back again. It took about 35 to 40 minutes. Finally...cooled down :)

Unfortunately my Zoggs predator goggles decided to leak and I came away with a very swollen eye!

Tuesday 22 July 2014

its 28 degrees and rising!

After last nights 5k event, I didn't intend to swim this eveniing...but the heat in the van just laft me boiling and so the thought of coling off in the sea became ever more appealing as the day went on....I'm glad it did as there was a quite a few of us swimming at the shack today...!

This is the route we followed:

This was kindly supplied by Giles who was amongst the swimmers.

Monday 21 July 2014

5k at Fordingbridge!!!

I haven't been swimming since Saturday and at work today in the boiling heat, I just needed a swim so badly. Cooking in a small van is really no fun in this heat!! I dream of jumping into a cold pool and cooling right down! Today was no different, except the pool is totally unappealing and for some reason I didn't fancy the sea.

In the back of my mind is the thought that September is just around the corner...and with it comes the 5k at Eton Dorney. And I still feel ill prepared. So the thought of doing a 5k in the lake at Fordingbridge started to mount in my 80 mile round trip for a swim? Yes, definitely worth it...!! So the idea kept springing to mind as I carried on through my day and I justified the travel and the time...and decided at 2:30pm that I would do it...

Rushed home from work and put on the coffee machine (new gadget!) and filled up my sports bottle and put some fruit in my cool lunch bag...filled up the flask with coffee and hey presto...I'm ready to go!!

Off i went and joined the mad exodus leaving Gosport at this time...the beginnings of rush hour, not a good time to go...but the time i had to leave to reach the New Forest for the start! Th traffic was horrendous and I ggot caught up in even more traffic at last I turned into the lakes and felt a bit nervous...I had never been here on my own before...and suddenly doing 5k in a big lake on my own wasn't so appealing!!

But like a lamb to the slaughter I signed in, paid my money and got changed...the first upheaval was that we were going to swim in the wake board lake which is "500m approximately" according to Ben from try tri. Down in the changing room it was the main topic of conversation, nobody seemed very happy and for some reason my only worry was..where do we enter the water. Thinking back in all of my events this has been a to get into the water!! I don't understand why, but I remember when the Great London Swim changed venue just two days before the event...I immediately stressed myself out worrying about how I was going to get into the water!! I messaged the organisers, asked the question on facebook...but never got an answer...then on arrival in first priority was to see a wave set off and see people finish...just so I knew how to get in and out of the water..LOL...must be my "thing"!! I digress...but in the changing room I never got my aanswer becaue nobody knew the answer, having never done it before!

With the wetsuit on my body temperature rose and I had to get out of the changing room and get in that water as quickly as possible! But there was a gathering on the bank and I was told that the swim was back in the big lake and the buoys were being put out...I walked to the end of the pontoon just dying to immerse myself in the lake...I was so hot...Couldn't wait for the buoys to go out...and everybody else felt the same...we all got in!!

As I swam to the first buoy, I did wonder whether I should go ahead with was hot, I felt as though I couldn't be bothered with any more added stress....but I know what I am like and I know I would have regretted I set the pink watch and began the first stroke of my very own 5k event.

I started fairly slow and gradually increased pace as I warmed up...I felt quite strong and the conditions were good...there didn't seem to be a lot of weed this time and I was careful turning at the bouy as I didn't want to set off any cramp.. As I was coming up to the end of the first lap I decided I wouldn't stop...and only stop every two laps...but I would check the time on the watch..My first lap was 13mins something. I am saying something because I didn't have my contact lenses in so I could 't read the seconds on the pink watch! I immediately started the second lap and in my head I am hoping that the next lap will be the same pace so I am looking at a time of 26 something or 27 something...again this lap went well and I didn't feel the need to stop, so in my head I am telling myself...stop at Eton Dorney that's what you do...stop after the first lap which is half on the final leg of the second lap I decided not to stop but keep going and see how I get on. As I passed the buoy at the end of the second lap, I checked the watch and it said 26 something. That gave me an enormous boost!! I carried on an my brain was then working out the goal for the end of the next lap...I seemed to be averaging 13minutes something per lap, but didn't know how much the something was! it must have been below 30 the next lap shoud be 39or 40 was 40 at three laps down! I was going well and felt fine and strong, no cramp so all was going well. The next lap was the fourth and as I started I had in my mind to have a short rest at the end of it, just as if I was at Eton Dorney...but when I completed it and saw my time was 53 minutes, i decided I would rest after the next one.

With four laps completed in 53 mins and something, I was feeling spurred was now all count down...I was past the half way mark. I started to work out what my final time may look like and if I completed it in the same time of 53 minutes...then it would be 1 hour 46 minutes. I would be thrilled with that!! My first bout of cramp happened on this lap as I went around the third buoy. I had changed to breaststroke to negotiate it and the change of kick caused the cramp to start. I managed to carry on swimming with just my arms and tried at the same time to stretch my foot, seemed to have worked and I took extra care around the next buoy so it wouldn't happen again. The time on the pink watch was 1hr 6 mins something when I finished the lap and again I didn't stop, only momentarily to check the watch..three laps to go I's not too far now. I just kept going and the cramo set in again, but again I managed to stretch it out. This lap was completed and the watch said 1hr 19mins and something.

I was now starting the penultimate lap and I felt good as I told each buoy as I passed it that i would only be passing it again one more time...again I got cramp on this lap, and again I managed to stretch it out...the pink watch showed the seventh lap completed in 1 hour 33 mins.

At last the final lap...could I possibly do this in 1 hour 45 mins and something??  I desperately wanted to and tried to up my pace on the final lap. It wore me out and as I passed the last buoy on the home straight I looked at the pink watch and it said 1 hour 41 mins...and something...I looked a the finish and tried to do reach it in double quick time...the cramp was becoming unbearable..but it was sheer determination that got me to the finiah, where I could see that I had done it in 1 hour 46mins and 38 seconds...i wanted to cry..I was quite overcome, I had done it in a time that I would never have dreamed of!!

I still had to get out and the 20 or so meters to the pontoon were the hardest of all...rhythm now broken, myself exhausted...amazing...!!

I sat in tha car once I had changed and drank a couple of cups of coffee and also a cold drink...and felt as though I had finally accomplished something. I had to be better than average now!!

Saturday 19 July 2014


Just been checking the information on my Pink Watch...and my efficiency is 59...wasn't quite sure what that meant so checked it out on the means average...I am average..!! I don't want to be average!!!

Sea Swim v Pool Swim

This week I have done more swimming in the sea and only been to the pool on Friday to train with Bayside Tri...I have to admit that when standing on top of hot ovens at work, the idea of a sea swim is far more appealing than getting into a crowded pool full of lane rage. It just has a feeling you cannot match in the pool and that is the freedom. Come and go as you please, plenty of space...beautiful view...what more can you ask for? The only thing is, I just swim, I don't practice anything I have been taught as my stroke depends on the state of the sea...sometimes the waves crash over your head and bilateral breathing goes out of the window as you can only breathe on one side, unless you want a mouthful of sea water each time. The benefit of the pool is that you can train in a controlled environment, albeit constrained into one length roped off..walls each I think they both have benefits and I have always believed that I should learn it in the pool and then bring it outdoors to the sea, lake or river.

Today I intended to go for a sea swim, but my Grandson decided he didn't want to go at the last minute...but there was time to get to the pool for the final that's what I did. Fortunately there wasn't many there and I got a whole lane to myself! Brilliant..! Only wish my stats were as brilliant though! :(

Linda has completed a 1650m swim at Gosport Leisure Centre with SWIMTAG

Swim Time: 41min 45sec | Ave Pace: 151.8sec/100m | Ave Stroke Rate: 27strokes/min | Calories: 433 kcal | Ave DPS: 1.43m/stroke

I just can't see any improvement in my swimming at all..the only thing I have improved on is the distance I can swim the two 5k swims I have done, but other than that, I haven't improved my times at all. Perhaps I am just feeling a bit demoralised with the way I have everything recorded, times, strokes, DPS, and it's taken all the enjoyment out of it...perhaps I'm being negative!!

This evening I went for a walk along Stokes Bay...very pleasant, had my friends dog and he went running up to a young lady who came out of the toilet block..she had just been swimming, but I hadn't noticed her earlier as I walked from one end of the beach to the other...but anyway, we had quite a conversation in the short time I was talking to her....she was lovely to talk to, I gave her a lift home as she was staying just around the corner from my friends house. Hopefully I meet her again, her name was Anne. 

Which brings me to the other side of swimming...I had always felt fairly lonely swimming, particularly as I was doing it mostly at the pool and any interaction ended at the nods and hellos from the regular swimmers. This year I have changed that and joining Bayside Tri was the with like minded people is so much fun...we all have the same get better, faster and win on from that came The Shack Sharks at Hillhead and then came the lovely people at Shore doesn't have to be lonely at all..thankfully! 

Friday 18 July 2014

Friday's Double Dip

My first swim today was at Hill Head. I met up with Oliver and  we decided to swim to the furthest bouy, which Oliver had been told was 500m away..the tide was high, but going out. We were both in skins and set off towing our floats behind us. It took about 14 minutes to reach the bouy and we chatted for a short while upon reaching our destination. I noticed we were drifting quite fast and it was going to be a hard swim we set off...after a few minutes I stopped and noticed a boat coming out of the sunlight. I was a little nervous as I hadn't been out this far before, preferring instead the safety of parallel to the beach swimming. I signalled to Oliver to look out for the boat and carried on swimming. After a short while I stopped and looked back, to check Oliver and where the boat was directly behind Oliver and was a Police of the occupants waved, so I waved back and then all three was not far behind me so I carried on heading for shore. The launch stayed behind for a while and then moved passed the jet ski area and into shore, where it stayed until we both reached shore. It was a hard swim back but it was completed in about 18 minutes...We both laughed as we imagined we had contraband inside our floats...but actually I had my beach shoes :)

As you can see from the picture it was a cloudy day...but it was still fairly warm in the sea

My second swim was at Gosport Leisure Centre with Bayside Tri. Incidentally, I am now the proud owner of a Bayside Tri hoodie :)

The swim was quite tiring with lots of drills, and as always I was last in the intermediate lane...but although I will never be as fast as my lane buddies..they do make sure I push myself and never let me feel that I am holding them up...cheers chaps!! I think they all have events this wekend so Good Luck to them all...!

I had a mental block in the pool with the Pink Watch and couldn't remember how to set it!! So I've relied on swimtag for this session:

My stats in the pool:

Linda has completed a 1725m swim at Gosport Leisure Centre with SWIMTAG

Swim Time: 44min 36sec | Ave Pace: 155.2sec/100m | Ave Stroke Rate: 23strokes/min | Calories: 457 kcal | Ave DPS: 1.62m/stroke

Thursday 17 July 2014

Reflecting on my first open water swim Great London 2012

I remember vividly where it all began...I was working for British Gas and had become a "swim champion"...not quite as grand as the title suggests, but my passion for swimming meant that I and others, were champions for British Gas while they sponsored British Swimming. We worked with local clubs and schools and held galas, in particular for those clubs that would never reach national levels, but were still dedicated swimmers. We would regularly meet weekly to discss upcoming events. It was during one of these meetings that the subject of the Great London Swim came up. British Gas was having it's own wave and we as employees would get a discount for ourselves and a friend in that wave.

The idea appealed to me, not only because I was more than capapble of swimming a mile, but also because it was outdoors. I fancied taking the I entered...without a It gave me the incentive to keep swimming, but little did I know what I was letting myself in for...!

Here is an account of that's actually an email to a friend who replied saying he had tears in his eyes reading it..he was so impressed with my achievement...!

"It was a memorable experience.....and I did it in 57mins 11secs...the water was warm, the wind was high and the whole thing was tough from start to finish....but it was a very emotional and proud moment when I swam under the gantry...only equalled when I phoned my Dad and told him I had done must have been the toughest physical challenge I have ever was frightening and lonely....but I was determined to finish.... I just kept thinking of all those hours in the pool, all the training, and I think that is what gave me the guts to complete it...I did it and I feel incredibly proud.

It didn't help that I arrived at the docks at 12:15pm sheduled to swim at 1pm. But I had parked a mile or more away. I walked as quickly as i could in the scorching weather, carrying all my gear to get to the start. I had left Caroline in the carpark getting the ticket. When I was almost at the start, I noticed people walking down to the start area wearing their wet suits. But I hadn't seen anywhere to get changed. I stopped a couple and asked them where the changing area was and they said it's by the finish line and it will take you 15 minutes to get there....I had already passed it!! I told him I was due to swim at one and his wife looked at her watch and said you won't make it, it's 25 to now. I was gutted, out of breath from rushing and just started to walk slowly back. then I saw Caroline and I said to her, if I can change around here somewhere I will be able to make it. So I ended up getting changed behind a van!! So I got to the start area and saw Kathy the other swimmer from Southampton ~there were only two of us doing it ~ Had a couple of puffs of my inhaler as my chest was tight and that was it....into the climatisation pool and off to the start.

For the first 500 meters I was panicking, I was battered by the waves as the wind was so strong, i had swallowed half the Thames and was on the verge of raising my hand for assistance! I tried back stroke, but I was veering way off track, but the 10 minutes or so swimming breastroke diagonally to get back onto the course did help me get into a rythmn. It was hard and I just kept thinking "what the fuck am I doing?" I wanted to cry, because I wanted to give up. I felt helpless basically, like at any moment I could drown, it wasn't like going for a run or for a walk where you can stop, sit down and gather your thoughts and ask for help if necessary. It was just like you had to keep going because your life depended on it and also the kayackers never felt like they were close by. In the end I tried to focus on the canoes and imagined that they were 2/3 pool lengths apart and in my head started counting the lengths as i do in the pool. Each bouy became 10 lengths, although I don't know if they really were!! I continued straight down the dock past the half way bouy and thought it would now get easier, after all i was now on the final leg home. the next bouy meant a turn to the left another 100meters across the dock and then another left turn down to the finish.  While I was swimming across the dock after the first turn, I passed a couple of swimmers in blue hats from a previous wave and that did encourage me. Then came the turn to the final straight to the finish and i thought I could see the finish, but it felt like miles away. I also thought the wind would be with me so I would be pushed along with the wind. This part must have been the most despairing. I swam and swam and swam and didn't seem to be getting anywhere, The wind still felt the same, and I wondered if I was swimming against a tide...I was phyically worn out, I was just so tired. I turned over on my back and started doing back stroke, the sun was beating down, but I did have specially purchased for the occasion swimming goggles on...and I remember looking up to the sky and seeing a plane overhead and I wondered where it was going and if you were in it...although I knew you were probably well on the way to the carribean or possibly already there! I just felt so lonely, there were very few spectators along the side at this point, but I could hear some shouts of encouragement and then I just turned over and started swimming again and just thought oh well, you have to keep going you can see the finish and I just kept thinking of all those long hours in the pool, that it is a lonely sport, you can't chat to people while you are swimming, and I just had to get on with I plodded on and on and then as I got closer to the finish the people in the next wave the green hats, started passing me, they were so fast!!!...and then finally I swam under the gantry and I just thought I've done it....and I felt very emotional and proud, but there was still another 20 feet or so to the exit area and thankfully there were people there to help pull you out of the water, as my legs felt like jelly!! I felt completely disorientated. Would I do it again next year? As I was swimming the course, I thought no there is no way I would ever do this again, but on reflection I think I would. I know what to expect now...I know the fear and the lonliness and the sheer physical exhaustion, so perhaps I could deal with them better on a subsequent swim...don't know...but for the moment I feel really proud of my achievement and I allowed myself a lie in with no swim this morning!!"

Even reading it now makes me feel emotional...but it also shows me how far I have progressed...that was just one mile....just 1600m...I am now aiming for 10km. But each journey starts with a step and I have never forgotten the pride I felt and the emotion inside me, as I swam under the gantry and knew I had done it. Even my time didn't matter...what mattered was that I had finished.

Wednesday 16 July 2014

Swimming at the Shack...

Well today was another hot one...and once again I heard the call of the sea. It is becoming such a routine now...finish work, sort myself out and off to the beach. What on earth did I do before?

Also today one of my friends posted this link on facebook and I have shared it on my facebook page and also I will share it here...its called "Coming in Last" and tells the story of an ordinary Mum who challenges herself to do a 5k run. The same can be applied to swimming or any other discipline...someone has to come in last and it doesn't matter if it is you!

Also today I have thought about doing a 3k swim as a stepping stone to the 5k in September. There is one in Marlow which has caught my eye...but sometimes you wonder if its really necessary to do these events. At the back of my mind,  is the thought that I have only ever done the Great London Swim twice...the first time was an ordeal..and perhaps I should post my thoughts on that swim soon. It serves to remind me of the utter despair I went through and yet as I swam under the gantry, the emotion was real. I never thought I was going to finish. The fact that I did showed me just how much guts and determination I actually have.  The following year was much smoother and more enjoyable. But the following year I had the benefit of knowing what was going to happen!! I will give the Marlow swim some thought. It's the week before the London swim...hmmm serious thought needed :)

Back to visit to The Shack was eventful. I arrived on time, started getting ready...there were four of us again. Oliver had said he was coming, but he hadn't arrived yet and I was in the boot area of the car. I collected everything I needed and shut down the boot and locked the keys inside...FFS!!! What now? The car was locked...oh hell you're only one swim away from a good that's what I did...swam and swam and swam and got nowhere as we chose to swim aggainst the tide was tough going!!

Coming in Last

Coming in Last

Tuesday 15 July 2014

Hill Head with the Sharks

A scorcher of a day today...looked forward to my swim with the Sharks...spent 40 minutes battling the waves, felt strong and the swim was good!
Wore the new beach shoes...wonderful getting in the stones to hurt your feet...but I wasn't as elegant getting out...found it difficult putting the shoes on...and I fell

c'est la vie!

Monday 14 July 2014

No swimming today!!!

Well arrived at the Shack raring to get back into the water...still on a high from yesterdays epic swim....but we were greeted by a load of kite surfers in the swimming area and it was too dangerous to swim....

SO UNFAIR!!!! I wanted to wear my new beach shoes...

Bournemouth Pier to Pier July 13th 2014

I never set an alarm to get up...but for this morning I did. I tossed and turned all night, worrying about all kinds of stuff, none of it swimming related. I knew I had to get up at 6 O'Clock and when the alarm sounded...well I was already awake, but I just pressed snooze. I just didn't want to get up!! I repeatedly pressed the sonooze button until eventually I had no choice but to get up and then I had t rush about getting ready...Always always last minute!!. Had to leave home at 7:45am to be at Richards house for 9am.

I drove down and wasn't excited or even fearful. Usually I feel sick with nerves before an event like this....Anyway it rained on the way, big black clouds, lots of torrential blasts of rain and then the satnav took me to Richards address. I parked up and was greeted at the door by him in his wetsuit and his wife still eating breakfast...but they are a lovely couple and make me feel very welcome.

I got changed into my swimming kit and gathered up the hat, wristband and luggage tag. Sue drove us to the top of the hill overlooking Bournemouth Pier...this is my first view of the Pier and in the far distance you can see Boscombe Pier and that is where we have to swim to....
There are quite a few waves in the sea....but i know from experience that the depth is not huge....the beach is lovely, flat and sandy and suddenly I feel nervous...and the old feelings have returned. The adrenalin is starting to pump and i suddenly start to worry about stupid things which just won't happen...but nevertheless the fear part of me, keeps saying it will be too much...I will get cold, I will get cramp and I will have to get out...I can't visualise reaching Boscombe Pier!!

As we neared the pier there were lots of swimmers in wetsuits milling around and a few wthout but not many. Registration over and time to hand your luggage to the man with the van, who will drive your luggage to Boscombe Pier...I feel like asking for a lift

I apply as much aqua glide as I possibly can to my neck and a little over my face as that always dries up in the sea. Also I take four puffs of ventolin...then my luggage is handed over and i'm left with my hat and goggles...!! It's all about to happen, no turning back.

A young girl asks me if I need any help pullling up the zip of my wetsuit, but I thank her and say I'll be ok. I don't want anyone doing up the neck as I now am becoming paranoid about it. I remember the swim earlier in the week with Mark, where I ended up having to take it off because my neck hurt me so much,. If I get to that point today, I will have to exit the water.

Richard and I stood on the sand for a short while and then I wanted to acclimatise myself in the water. A quick dip and I made sure I was used to the temperature...the waves were rolling but not huge, so made the decision to go further out to sea. We were chatting on the sand again when one of a group of girls next to us, which included the young girl from earlier caught my eye and we both smiled, laughed and said hello...she was Celine from Beyond the Blue and I had been swimming with her the week before at Shore Rd. It was nice to have a friendly chat before the start as it helped my mind think about nicer things!

The safety brief went ahead and then the claxon went off and the people at the front ran into the water, while the rest of us walked slowly behind...

Richard and I walked slowly out to sea, until I was up to my shoulders...we then decided to turn left and swim...unbelievable...thought I was at a January Sale...I was pushed, barged, kicked, people swimming over me, umder me and around me...shocking!! :) Next year I will be last !!

In the scrum, I lost Richard...I found a clearing and stopped...I looked back and could't see him, took my goggles off and looked around, but he was nowhere to be seen. So I turned and started to swim. It was an awful first 200m as there was just too many people...I was weaving in and out and around everyone...I moved closer to the jet skis so that I was out of the way and swam from there...I felt good and strong in the water. I was sighting other swimmers rather than the pier...I couldn't see the pier it was just a line on the horizon, my main worry was keeping clear of the other swimmers. I swam for quite a while and the pier was becoming a bigger line in my misted goggles...and at one point I stopped completely and lifted my goggles to see...The pier looked like I was about half way, but when I looked at the pink watch it said 17 minutes...So I reckoned on time I was only about a quarter of the way, so head down and carried on swimming...I did front crawl all the way, only the occasional breaststroke to get around people...all of a suddden I seemed to be at the groynes...I must have been swimming diagonally....great sighting eh? I stopped again and lifted my goggle ans the pier didn't seem far away at all....I reckoned it was about 20 lengths of the pool. I was feeling very confident, very strong, wasn't tired and put my head down again and upped my speed no time at all, I could see the pier and the swimmers to my left were standing up and wading in...I felt a rush of emotion...I had done it, it was over. I felt very proud of myself..stood up and could hear the shouts and screams of my family amongst the line of people along the beach
 This is the finish can hardly see Bournemouth Pier...its the whitle building in the far distance! You can see the jetskis in the water...they are bringing in the first swimmers!
I am swimming in the background here...somewhere! Actually I think I am the one to the left swimming...its time to get out!
This is me and I have a big smile on my face...I've done it!!!

My smile is even bigger when I look at my watch and see the time...I just couldn't believe it and thought it wsn't working or i hadn't set it right ... duh!!!

While collecting my medal, I hear someone ask for the time...a lady says "ten to" brain starts ticking again...we started after 10am, I waited until I was in position to swim and then set the watch so HEY!! YEY!! It's right...I did it in 43 minutes 41 unbelievable fast...I am now so proud!
I am greeted by Vikki, John and Adam...I am pleased to bits at my performance...I am on a high!!
Looking back down at Boscombe can see Bournemouth Pier in the far distance....what a swim!!! So proud!!

Saturday 12 July 2014

Just don't want to do this Bournemouth swim!!!

It's Saturday...I'm having a bad day in my personal life and it's spilling over into my swimming. Well no swimming today it's a rest day...but i need to get my mind focussed on tomorrow...but i'm not looking forward to it at all.

I've even eaten a large chinese meal..well special fried rice and curry sauce. Not something ive done in a long's almost like I am deliberately sabotaging my efforst tomorrow. I think deep in my heart I just don't want to do it...!!

Then I think..."Oh just get on with it and then you never have to swim in the sea again!" But then I remember my neck is still sore...that I will suffer in the water now I'm wondering if I should do it in skins...but I don't think I will last an hour or just over in the water without a wetsuit...

Not sure what to this space.... :(

Friday 11 July 2014

Friday Night is Bayside Tri Night!

Gosport Leisure Centre was the venue and once again I was in the intermediate lane with Andy and Tony. I was always at the back but being the sportsmen they are, they didn't seem to mind and enjoyed the longer rest they got while waiting for me to regroup! LOL

I did enjoy the swim, but was aware that it would be my last swim before Sundays Big Swim in Bournemouth! I noticed tonight that I was feeling much stronger at the end of the session, compared to how I felt at the start! Wore my pink watch...but I'm not sure I've got the hang of it as it didn't seem to be recording Also wore my swimtag...results as follows:

Linda has completed a 1375m swim at Gosport Leisure Centre with SWIMTAG

Swim Time: 35min 56sec | Ave Pace: 156.9sec/100m | Ave Stroke Rate: 29strokes/min | Calories: 369 kcal | Ave DPS: 1.32m/stroke

Wednesday 9 July 2014

Swimming with the Sharks

Met up with Tom and exchanged chill floats....I am now the proud owner of my very own chill swim float :) It is a saga, but eventually it arrived safely into my hands and now I will never let it go !!

So tonight was a swim in quite rough waters with Jeannie, Oliver and one other whose name escapes me right's an age thing!! I am feeling very confident in the water now, and was able to use my new pink watch to time myself...35 minute swim, about 1k I would say, but not too sure... Deborah was at the shack and she had completed a 6km swim from the Isle of Wight to Hillhead Sailing Club the day before...she was on a high and brought some birthday cake which was very nice!!

After the swim I went straight to Zumba and danced for an hour...feeling tired must be bed time!

8th July...another swim at Shore Road

Another practice swim at Shore Road for just Mark and myself. Suffered terribly neck from last nights swim is extremely much so I ended up taking the wetsuit off in the sea and putting it into my borrowed chill float. I was amazed how cold I immediately felt despite the fact I thought it had filled up with lots of water as I didn't have the neck done up! I was freezing and moved into shore and almost walked all the way back...not a good day for swimming!

7th July ~ Swimming in Fordingbridge Lake

I had made myself a promise the last time I was at Fordingbridge that I would attempt a 5k swim...just so that I would know that I could do it. Now I know I can, as I have done it in the pool...but I needed to be sure that I could do it in open water in a wetsuit :)

Today I received the lovely gift of a pink poolmate:

Another Gadget to learn how to work!!

Now although the name does imply that it is for use in the pool you can time your laps in open water too....!!

Fordingbridge is a 650m circuit so I worked out I needed to do 8 laps plus another 100m .......and now I am writing this and questioning my maths...and the maths of my Oxford graduate in mathematics, swim buddy :)....or perhaps I am tired or my brain is just not functioning...anyway I am off to ask Mr Google the size of the 

Well back now and it's definitely 5k would have been 7 laps plus another 450m. But Mark and I actually did 8 laps and another Oh dear, we are not very clever are we???

The uspide to the miscalculation is that we did it in our time would have been under 2 hours if we had worked it out there is always a bonus!!

Here is a panoramic view of the lake:

Each lap was completed in under 15 minutes, and there was a bit of rest time to add in too, but in all it was 2 hours with the rests happy with that and of course it means that in my head I now know I can do it....thank you Mark !!

Sunday 6 July 2014

Swimming at Shore Road with Beyond the Blue

What a great bunch of people to be swimming with. I met these wonderful people in a facebook group called Beyond the Blue...a group of people who swim at Shore Road. One of them with the grand name of Marisa Aqua Nut (Channel Swimmer!) organised some practice swims for the Bournemouth Pier to Pier. Unfortunately I ws working during the three she arranged, so posed the question to the group about me doing one myself and Marisa came straight back and organised one for the Sunday I was free.

So today I set off with my grandson Adam to Shore Road to swim with them...

Why the pensive look? Well it did seem that the building we were swimming to was so far away!!

It was a 2km swim and I completed it in roughly one hour. The big day next week will be just over 2.25k. Definitely left Shore Road today feeling much more confident....and with a VERY sore neck :(

Friday 4 July 2014

Training with Bayside Tri

Tonight more drills with Bayside Tri....but I did enjoy them :) For some strange reason... lol :) are the statistics :)

Linda has completed a 1450m swim at Gosport Leisure Centre with SWIMTAG

Swim Time: 37min 50sec | Ave Pace: 156.6sec/100m | Ave Stroke Rate: 23strokes/min | Calories: 389 kcal | Ave DPS: 1.63m/stroke

Thursday 3 July 2014

Back in the SEA!!!

Well it was another scorching hot day...the hottest day of the year so far..! After I finished work and did a few things that I had to do...the sea was beckoning....yes I needed to get in there and swim, swim, swim!!

I didn't get home until 5:30pm and immediately asked if anyone from the Sharks was swimming tonight...and Oliver said he was....! so not time to stop, quickly put swimsuit on and grabbed wetsuit and into the car!! Deborah was there with our new swim hats....couldn't resist a photo....!!

It was rough in the sea, but I must admit that I am no longer worried about being out of my depth, or indeed having waves crashing over me....I powered through them and thoroughly enjoyed every minute. There were four of us in all swimming, but two got out early on and Oliver and I weren't quite sure if we were just stupid or just tough cookies!! We decided then to also go back to shore :) I suppose we must have been in the water about 30 - 45 minutes, but not too sure.

When I got home, I then went for my walk for an hour and immediately after that, it was in the pool. I was going to just do a leisurely swim in front crawl....but someone got in the lane and was hot on my toes....he is a regular there...Mr Splashalot...and swims quite fact my breaststroke is faster than his front crawl...but today he thought he was on fine form and exhausted himself trying to overtake me but we hit the wall together and of course he was then too slow on the way back...he turned into a bloody nuisance!!!

Anyway....swim tonight:

Linda has completed a 1250m swim at Gosport Leisure Centre with SWIMTAG

Swim Time: 29min 38sec | Ave Pace: 142.3sec/100m | Ave Stroke Rate: 27strokes/min | Calories: 339 kcal | Ave DPS: 1.54m/stroke

Calories eaten today:         1400
Calories used in exercise:  1341

Tuesday 1 July 2014

Walk and Swim

Just a walk and a swim tonight...hip still hurting quite bad.

The walk was pleasant an hour at 3mph pace, sun was shining and the water was shimmering...good for the soul!

The swimming was laboured...too many in the pool once again!

Linda has completed a 1225m swim at Gosport Leisure Centre with SWIMTAG

Swim Time: 31min 54sec | Ave Pace: 156.3sec/100m | Ave Stroke Rate: 26strokes/min | Calories: 340 kcal | Ave DPS: 1.43m/stroke

Total calories eaten:           1799
Total calories for exercise: 1006

Monday 30 June 2014

Todays walk and swim

Continuing with the hour a day walking, but was a bit stuck on where to the end i decided to just walk for half hour and then turn round and come was fine doing it that way, but wasn't sure how far I had travelled, perhaps not quite a mile as my hip is still hurting today. But nevertheless an hour outside moving is good for the mind and body.

Tonights swim was tough. The pool was busy and there were five people in my lane which in a 25m pool is uite a lot when we are are all of different abilities and strokes. So kept stopping every two, but used it to do some sprinting, which is good.

Linda has completed a 1475m swim at Gosport Leisure Centre with SWIMTAG

Swim Time: 36min 5sec | Ave Pace: 146.8sec/100m | Ave Stroke Rate: 26strokes/min | Calories: 390 kcal | Ave DPS: 1.56m/stroke

Calories eaten today      1598
Calories burned today     736

Sunday 29 June 2014

Getting really fit begins!

Yes today is, two weeks before I have my first event at Bournemouth, 9 weeks before I swim the Great London Swim, 11 weeks until I swim at Blenheim Palace and just 12 weeks until the 5k swim at Eton Dorney....time has suddenly become important to me and I feel the panic rising. I want to lose a few more pounds before the 5k swim, in fact I would like to have reached my 100lbs lost goal and also swim 5k.....what an achievemnt that would be!!

To that end I have added an hour a day of walking to my regime. This will also help to strengthen my legs, although you wouldn't think so today! After doing an hour at the steady pace of 3mph my hip is hurting bad and the tablets just aren't touching it...I can't wait for my first swim  so that I can get some relief!!

First swim my new goggles..zoggs predator...oh the feeling of being able to see clearly...I even did some sneaky sighting..but was concentrating on my swimming really...wanted to get some good results! I came home, a bit despondent as I had lost count at 50, so my fate was in the hands of swimtag!!

And wow...I am happy...!

Linda has completed a 2000m swim at Gosport Leisure Centre with SWIMTAG

Swim Time: 51min 14sec | Ave Pace: 153.7sec/100m | Ave Stroke Rate: 25strokes/min | Calories: 518 kcal | Ave DPS: 1.50m/stroke

 For my second swim of the day:

Linda has completed a 2050m swim at Gosport Leisure Centre with SWIMTAG

Swim Time: 54min 32sec | Ave Pace: 159.6sec/100m | Ave Stroke Rate: 25strokes/min | Calories: 531 kcal | Ave DPS: 1.45m/stroke

And in the last few lengths, I was able to sight...albeit half drowning, half sighting...but it's a start I wasn't trying to breathe while looking down the lane...!

Calories eaten today:          1580
Exercise calories burned:   1342

Saturday 28 June 2014

One Mile Swim

This afternoon I did a one mile swim at Gosport Leisure Centre...or at least I thought I did...but swimtag shows I did 65 lengths instead of 64...I thought I had done 64 and I am gutted that I didn't do a sub 40 minute...nope it was 40mins disappointed. I was hoping it would be sub 40 and then I could concentrate on learning to sight. But it isn't which does set me back again as I won't be happy until I can do the sub 40.

The only thing I am pleased with is my DPS which was 1.76m...that shows that I am gliding more in the water and consequently my strokes per minute have come down to 22...but as usual I am still not satisfied!! Off to sulk now :(

Stats as follow:

Linda has completed a 1625m swim at Gosport Leisure Centre with SWIMTAG

Swim Time: 40min 30sec | Ave Pace: 149.5sec/100m | Ave Stroke Rate: 22strokes/min | Calories: 419 kcal | Ave DPS: 1.76m/stroke

Friday 27 June 2014

Friday Coaching Session with Bayside Tri

Gosport Leisure Centre seemed a distant memory as I drove into the carpark!! I really must get my bike out and ride to the is only 1.5 miles away! A distant memory because I haven't been there since Sunday!! I don't know...what with lakes and the sea, the pool isn't quite as attractive...but I do know that I am best practising things in the pool and taking them outside to the lakes and the sea!!

Tonight, I did feel stronger and since moving into the intermediate lane, I do feel I am pushing myself a little harder. It started with 12 lengths warm up, front crawl, breaststroke, front crawl...then into touching hips and head, which I find relatively easy as I do naturally swim like that anyway. Not exactly touching my hips and head as I swim, but I am naturally quite tight to the body...then came the harder one swimming catch up with fists...always feel like I am drowning doing this...only when I try to breathe...I just seem to sink. I do know why though! It's because I am not kicking and letting my legs drop...oh well, something to work on!

Then came the kick drills...this I am hopeless at!! 4 lengths front, 4 lengths one side, 4 lengths the other...then came the drill which I feel I have improved on the most...the 3, 5, 7 breathing drill. Whereas back in February when I first joined the group I was breathing every other stroke..and couldn't even do bilateral breathing...I feel I have come a long way! Tonight the breathing sets went well...of course it could have been the four puffs of ventolin I had before I had before I got in the pool..!!

Then it was slow up, sprint back sets...and I seemed to be a lot faster. It could be because I haven't been swimming as much this week, so I am more rested or just that I have improved a lot. It's very difficult to work out which sometimes!!

Stats for tonight...doesn't include kick drills:

Linda has completed a 1575m swim at Gosport Leisure Centre with SWIMTAG

Swim Time: 39min 44sec | Ave Pace: 151.4sec/100m | Ave Stroke Rate: 23strokes/min | Calories: 423 kcal | Ave DPS: 1.66m/stroke

Thursday 26 June 2014

Stokes Bay sans Wetsuit!!!

Haven't done any swimming since Monday..and tonight I am swimming at Stokes Bay with Bayside Tri..lets hope I can see a lot of improvement from two weeks ago..when I sadly brought up the rear. I have been searching for a 5k training plan online and the only one that is appealing is the one I can't see! It's the 2014 swimathon 10 week training plan to a sub 1hr 40min 5k...! Now I know that I won't be reaching those dizzy heights by the 21st September, but it would be intense which as a fairly experienced swimmer is what I need!

My entry pack arrived yesterday for the Bournmouth Pier to Pier...this brought about an OH MY GOD moment, which passed quite quickly as I remembered I did have a swim buddy...but even so there is always that fear in the pit of your stomach, which surfaces every time I think about nerves are good!!

I put a message on facebook last night in a group I belong to called Beyond the Blue based in Bournemouth....a real bunch of characters...their posts make me laugh so much!! Anyway my post was asking for advice about swimming a practice run for the Bournemouth Pier to Pier with a friend on 8th July...but they are happy to do one on the Sunday the I will go to that one and then do a repeat on the Tuesday...well then I will be very experienced won't I ?? No excuses on the day :)

Just got back from my sea swim at Stokes was a wet one tonight, not actually raining when I got there, but it had rained just before arrival. There were only four of us tonight, Erika, Eric and Stephen. I was horrified when I went to put my wetsuit on and found I hadn't brought it!! Immediately I visualised it hanging on the back of my bedroom door...decisions, I go home and get it, or do I go without it? In the end I decided to go without it!!

We walked down to the waters edge and then off came the flip flops...for those who don't know, Stokes Bay is a pebble beach and they hurt your feet!!! The walk into the sea really hurts your the lesser of two evils was to just get in and boy did it take my breath away!!  Wetsuits really do keep you warm...I just wanted the comfort of my wetsuit enveloping me, like a pair of arms, giving me a big felt like that before, I can assure you!! So no time for chatter, had to keep moving in an effort to warm up..we swam about 1200m and I brought up the rear yet again...but then I felt it was time for me to get out....

The upside of no wetsuit is that you keep moving, so my sea swim today was no stops! LOL Took me about 35 minutes I think!

I am still cold now, but came home to a lovely salad...why did I choose salad today of all days???

Tuesday 24 June 2014

An evening at the New Forest Water Park ~ Monday 23rd June

Tonight I spent the evening at the New Forest Water Park at Fordingbridge. I have to say this is probably the best one around! The setting is beautiful and the facilities are good...nice hot showers and somewhere to buy a drink (alcoholic or otherwise) and have a cooked meal! The large lake tonight was closed, which was a bit disappointing, and we had to swim in the smaller lake. It wasn't very pleasant getting in...I'm always afraid of falling in or slipping up. But there was a friendly helping hand from a fellow swimmer to aid the entry...very gallant I must say!!

This has to have been the best swim I have done in open water this year, although less than a month since my visit to Eastleigh Lake...I feel I have improved immensely. There was some discussion as to how distance of a circuit of this smaller lake, but in the end the general opinion was 250m. I did do about 12 circuits, one in skins! (not allowed but hey it was a beautifully hot evening!)

Mark was trying to teach me to sight...but I can't get the hang of it...I will just have to practice, practice, practice!! As with all things eventually it all falls into place and you wonder how you ever couldn't do them in the first place. I have 3 weeks until my first event..The Bournemouth Pier to Pier which is 1.4 miles in the sea. 2.25km. I am hoping to do it in around an hour. I am trying to get as much sea swimming in as possible, in order to cope with waves, tides etc.

But tonights training was excellent...beautiful time...CAMPING!!!

Sunday 22 June 2014

Double Dip Sunday!

IT sure was a double dip is a photo of my first dip :)

Photo by Tom Barnett of Wavephotography 

Yes, that's me at Hillhead again!! Today was really playing about in the water and not a lot of swimming....but did do some and a lot of treading water!!

Photo by Tom Barnett of Wavephtography

After an hour or so of skylarking with occasional swimming I felt that I should return to the pool and actually do some swimming. The meeting tonight at Gosport Leisure Centre was the Bayside Tri Endurance Swim Night. On arrival I purchased one of the new Bayside Tri swim hat...specially designed in our own club colours..very nice too. Went into the changing rooms and realised I didn't have my swimming was left on the bed!!! So home i had to go and get changed and get back to pool...I arrived 15 minutes late, but my stats aren't too

Linda has completed a 1350m swim at Gosport Leisure Centre with SWIMTAG

Swim Time: 34min 39sec | Ave Pace: 154.0sec/100m | Ave Stroke Rate: 25strokes/min | Calories: 346 kcal | Ave DPS: 1.53m/stroke
Despite the lack of swimming today...I do feel much more confident about the Bournemouth Pier to Pier and that really is the first event on my road to the 10k.....must think about losing some more weight!! LOL

Saturday 21 June 2014

Another swim at Hillhead!

This afternoon, I rushed home from work as the facebook group said they were swimming at 4pm. Today my Grandson Adam was coming to the beach for a swim too.  My neighbour caught me outside and wanted to chat...I didn't want to be rude but I was itching to get into the sea and I didn't want to be late! Eventually after saying a cheery bye on more than three occasions I managed to get indoors and swimming costume on and wetsuit gathered barely has time to dry these days...then flung into a bag along with changing towel and hat and goggles!

My husband drove....but he is soooo slow....well he said it was the traffic, but I was already late and because the sun was shining and the round the island yacht race was taking place, the roads along the beach were jammed. But at last we got there and I jumped out and started pulling on the wetsuit...grabbed the flip flops and went racing down the beach with Adam and I could see in the distance a few orange was quite a distance!

I set off to catch them up and I could sense how much my confidence in the sea had improved...I thought nothing now of swimming out to meet them. Only a few weeks ago I was still paddling about within my depth. My stroke has improved as well...doing front crawl in the sea feels so natural now.

I caught up with Oliver, Deborah and Jeannie and we did our usual swim to the end of the beach huts and back to the second triangle marker on the beach. It was very warm and the sea had some intermittent cold spots and alos lots of very warm hot spots!!

The weather has been gorgeous and tropical...and I am so lucky to live by the sea! :)

So inviting!

Friday 20 June 2014

Hillhead Swim

Met up with Oliver again tonight at Hillhead. The water wasn't as calm as it has been the last couple of visits. This made it rather tough going, but even though I was being bobbed about I still managed to do mostly front crawl. The wetsuit didn't seem to be collecting the water so much today!! Different day...different things happen I suppose!! We started off swimming to the second post as we always do...the tide was just going out. I reached it first and turned around to wait for Oliver, but he was difficult to see as the sun was in my eyes. Eventually he arrived and we had a quick chat and then set off heading for the end of the beach huts. I have no idea of the distance but it looks a fair I don't even know how long it took us, but we were swimming against the was hard work!! I reached the end of the beach huts and waited for Oliver, then we swam back to the second post and then back to our shoes on the beach!! I didn't feel it went as well as the previous two swims but nevertheless it was a lot better than my first sea swims a couple of weeks ago, so feeling more confident than then, but less confident than earlier in the week. Shall keep it up all the time the weather is good. But to be honest, swimming in the sea is a whole different ball game to lakes, rivers and the pool and although it is exhilerating, it perhaps isn't as enjoyable as other places to swim..

I am supposed to be at Gosport Leisure Centre this evening with Bayside Tri...but I;m not feeling 100%, so have given it a miss tonight :( Already feel guilty!! Do you think I am addicted!??

Thursday 19 June 2014

Not a good day...but a good swim

My swim buddy for London has pulled out. Gutted. Going to have to try and learn to sight now. More stress. so much easier to just follow someone you know. Oh well...

Met up with Oliver tonight at the Shack and again the sea was calm, it was high tide and the sun was shining, which made it warm in a few places in the water,,,a couple of hot spots :) t was a really good swim and confirmed everything I thought about Tuesday...confidence in my Bournemouth swim!!
The two of us swam up and down the beach stopping for a chat at our distance points! My wetusit filled with water and it felt like I was swimming in a carrier bag!!! the water poured out when i had finished!!

Tuesday 17 June 2014

Unbelievable Triple Dip Day!!

Didn't swim last night...doing that 5k last week did take it out of me and although I continues to swim almost daily it finally caught up and I just didn't want to go last night....however this moring I woke with that feeling of having missed something...well there are plenty of things missing in my life, but I knew this missing feeling was because I hadn't swam the night for the first time in a year or more...I got up and went for a swim...did a nifty fifty before work:

Linda has completed a 1250m swim at Gosport Leisure Centre with SWIMTAG

Swim Time: 31min 39sec | Ave Pace: 152.0sec/100m | Ave Stroke Rate: 23strokes/min | Calories: 328 kcal | Ave DPS: 1.67m/stroke

It did make me feel good all day..but again a hot day and the lure of the sea was calling!! So another Hillhead visit!...The sea was calm, it was high tide and I met up with Oliver and Paula and we did a good was lovely and my confidence has soared...I think I can do Bournemouth!! I know I can do Bournemouth!!!

Then not content when I got home to play Candy Crush or watch TV...I went up to Gosport Leisure Centre and did a under 40 mins!!! :)

Linda has completed a 1575m swim at Gosport Leisure Centre with SWIMTAG

Swim Time: 39min 7sec | Ave Pace: 149.0sec/100m | Ave Stroke Rate: 24strokes/min | Calories: 409 kcal | Ave DPS: 1.63m/stroke

Just wish I could sight, then it will all be fine on the day...otherwise I will have to revert to breaststroke and now that would feel like a step backward! Must ask Erika to give me some tips

Sunday 15 June 2014

Sunday night Endurance swim with Bayside Tri

Felt jaded after staying up until 1am to watch England lose last night...nothing to do witht he big chinese meal and couple of drinks we had!!

Tonights swim went well considering...check out the DPS !!!

Linda has completed a 2050m swim at Gosport Leisure Centre with SWIMTAG

Swim Time: 52min 58sec | Ave Pace: 155.0sec/100m | Ave Stroke Rate: 22strokes/min | Calories: 526 kcal | Ave DPS: 1.76m/stroke

Saturday 14 June 2014

England game tonight..but managed a swim first!

Needed to swim although not normal for a to the pool I went.

Linda has completed a 1400m swim at Gosport Leisure Centre with SWIMTAG

Swim Time: 35min 18sec | Ave Pace: 151.3sec/100m | Ave Stroke Rate: 35strokes/min | Calories: 425 kcal | Ave DPS: 1.11m/stroke

Not the best of swims...but a swim nevertheless!!

Follwed by this:

then this:

 Then had to snuggle up in a blanket as I was
oh and england lost by the way 1-2 to Italy!!